Digital Waiver
A NEW digital waiver is required before any player can enter the arena. We highly recommend that you follow the link below to complete the form before you arrive at the Battalion. This will simplify the check in process and speed your ability to play.
Important Safety Information
#1 Rule Face Mask/Eye Protection MUST be worn at all times in the gameplay arena.
FPS LIMIT: 400 FPS measured with .20g (1.5J with .20g), 360FPS with .25g (1.5J with .25g)
.25g BB is the heaviest weight allowed. .20g, .23g, and .25g are allowed
.12g is NOT allowed in Battalion rental guns
Max Rate of Fire (ROF): 30 rounds per second
Barrel Taps count as a hit
Rubber/foam knives and swords (melee weapons) are allowed
No Engagement Limits.
No blind firing (if you can't see your target, you can't shoot at it)
Call your own hits, not another player's
All players MUST have full-seal eye protection.
Under 18: full-face mask or 2-piece protection (goggles with lower mesh mask for covering face)
18 and up: only full-seal goggles are required. Safety/shooting glasses are NOT enough for gameplay
The ready room and loading table are for preparing gear and loading magazines. NO magazines are allowed in guns in the ready room.
All guns must have barrel covers on when not in the gameplay arena
It is the strict policy of Battalion Airsoft Arena that no staff member should ever be alone or in the presence of any minor behind closed doors. For this reason, all public access doors have clear windows for security purposes.
Thank you!